Send system stats to slack

1 minute read

I currently own few linux machines, be it a raspberry pi or a laptop. Id like to know whats the status on those machines at set intervals. Especially the public IP address, since its the only way to ssh into em. My headless servers which i use as vpn servers, and as well as my raspberrypis that could just be taking pictures to compile a timelapse would send me updates to my personal slack. It uses the incoming webhook intergration to send messages to my #devices channel.

To achieve this, i use a simple bash script to gather the required system stats. And then do a post request via curl to the webhook.


# used to format the message

# to store the netstat output

# temporary destination for the message contents

# delete the message contents of the previous run
if [ -e $MESSAGE_LOG ]

# fetch the public ip address from the url provided
IP="ip-address : $( curl -s | cut -d " " -f 5 )"

echo $IP >> $MESSAGE_LOG

# all the ports and applications which are listening
netstat -l | grep "LISTEN " > $NETSTAT_LOG

echo -e "\nnetstat : \n$NETSTAT" >> $MESSAGE_LOG

# system resource usage
TOP=$(top -bn3 | head -n 2 )

echo -e "\ntop:\n$TOP" >> $MESSAGE_LOG

# construct the message

# post the message to slack
curl -X POST --data-urlencode \
    "payload={\"channel\": \"#devices\", \"username\": \"thinkpad-of-death\", \"text\": \"$MESSAGE\", \"icon_emoji\": \":satellite_antenna:\"}" $SLACK_WEB_HOOK_URL

I used cron to call this script every 5 hours, and also on boot. So i will have a notification immedietly when the system boots. below are some screenshots of the result.

The result from the code above. output of the code above

Another example, but different format. different format