Send system stats to slack
I currently own few linux machines, be it a raspberry pi or a laptop. Id like to know whats the status on those machines at set intervals. Especially the public IP address, since its the only way to ssh into em. My headless servers which i use as vpn servers, and as well as my raspberrypis that could just be taking pictures to compile a timelapse would send me updates to my personal slack. It uses the incoming webhook intergration to send messages to my #devices
To achieve this, i use a simple bash script to gather the required system stats. And then do a post request via curl to the webhook.
# used to format the message
# to store the netstat output
# temporary destination for the message contents
# delete the message contents of the previous run
if [ -e $MESSAGE_LOG ]
# fetch the public ip address from the url provided
IP="ip-address : $( curl -s | cut -d " " -f 5 )"
echo $IP >> $MESSAGE_LOG
# all the ports and applications which are listening
netstat -l | grep "LISTEN " > $NETSTAT_LOG
echo -e "\nnetstat : \n$NETSTAT" >> $MESSAGE_LOG
# system resource usage
TOP=$(top -bn3 | head -n 2 )
echo -e "\ntop:\n$TOP" >> $MESSAGE_LOG
# construct the message
# post the message to slack
curl -X POST --data-urlencode \
"payload={\"channel\": \"#devices\", \"username\": \"thinkpad-of-death\", \"text\": \"$MESSAGE\", \"icon_emoji\": \":satellite_antenna:\"}" $SLACK_WEB_HOOK_URL
I used cron to call this script every 5 hours, and also on boot. So i will have a notification immedietly when the system boots. below are some screenshots of the result.
The result from the code above.
Another example, but different format.